Wednesday, February 29


For a start i just wanna say sorry for everything. I feel bad tho. I know it's my fault. And it really makes feel guilty. The way i treat you what so ever. I can't like like you. Last time i fell in love with someone younger that me, he's dumping me with someone better. You are young and cute, you can pick any girl you want. Time ride, i really wanna talk to you. But seems like you avoiding me. So, yea~ It really makes me feel like *stupid*. By the way, i love your teddy bear. 

Thanks You, A.A

Flashback :/

Friday, February 17


Well, to be exact. Something wrong. Really wrong. First, with my nasir. Yea, i know. I thought he's my everything but no. He just simply left and like seriously, it hurts. It kills me. And this one boy, i thought he's my friend. I open up to him. I tell him the truth but lately, no. Everything gone. No nothing. It just blur. And fixie, i thought having this activity everybody will get around. And like being friends even though we doesn't know them. I just like, i hope too much. I think. What pass just let it pass isn't it? Yea, whatever. And to be honest, something wrong with me. My flu, my cough and other sickness. hahahaha Still sick. I don't know what wrong. yea, real friend stay but the fake one. Hard to tell. I keep that in mind. I rather be like snobbish and arrogant type of attitude. But, the real me, i'm shy but i love being around with friends. It feels like we being needed. Damn~ hahaha like freakishly weird way. lalala~ whatever. I do what i want, i act the way i am. Don't try to change me. But when somebody like giving me advice bout that and those, i tried to do it. But please don't like fuck back stab. Seriously. If you don't like the way i am, speak straight to my face. Seriously, I don't give a damn bout how stupid i act or stupid words that came out from my mouth. I don't care. As long you get the message i try to give, then. It's cool. (Y) aite?